Selasa, 7 September 2010

A Fireman's Wish...

" I Wish You Could "
I wish you could see the sadness of a businessman as his livelihood goes up in flames
Or that family returning home, only to find their house and belongings damaged or destroyed.
I wish you could know
What it is to search a burning bedroom for trapped children, flames rolling above your head, your palms and knees burning as you crawl, the floor sagging under your weight as the kitchen beneath you burns.
I wish you could comprehend
A wife's horror at 3 A.M. as I check her husband of forty years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping against the odds to bring him back,
Knowing intuitively it is too late. But wanting his wife and family to know everything possible was done.
I wish you could know
The unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, the sound of flames crackling,
And the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke sensations that I have become too familiar with.
I wish you could understand
How it feels to go to work in the morning after having spent most of the night, hot and soaking wet at a multiple alarm fire.
I wish you could read
My mind as I respond to a building fire, 'Is this a false alarm or a working, breathing fire?
How is the building constructed? What hazards await me? Is anyone trapped or are they all out?'
Or to an EMS call, 'what is wrong with the patient?
Is it minor or life threatening? Is the caller really in distress or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun?'
I wish you could be
In the emergency room as the doctor pronounces dead the beautiful little five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past twenty-five minutes, who will never go on her first date or say the words,
"I love you Mommy," again.
I wish you could know
The frustration I feel in the cab of the engine, the driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the
Air horn chain, as you fail to yield right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us, however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, "It took you forever to get here!"
I wish you could read
My thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the mangled remains of her automobile, 'what if this were my sister, my girlfriend, or a friend?
What were her parents' reactions going to be as they open the door to find a police officer?
I wish you could know
How it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents and family, not having the heart to tell them that I nearly did not come home from this last call.
I wish you could feel
My hurt as people verbally, and sometimes physically, abuse us or belittle what we do, or as they express their attitudes of, It will never happen to me.
I wish you could realize
The physical, emotional, and mental drain of missed meals, lost sleep, and
Forgone social activities, in addition to all the tragedy my eyes have viewed.
I wish you could know
The brotherhood and self-satisfaction of helping save a life or preserving someone's
Property, of being there in times of crisis, or creating order from total CHAOS.
I wish you could understand
What it feels like to have a little boy tugging on your arm and asking, "Is my Mommy O.K.?" Not even being able to look in his eyes without
Tears falling from your own and not knowing what to say. Or to have to hold back a long-time friend who watches his buddy having rescue breathing done on him as they
Take him away in the ambulance. You knowing all along he did not have his seat belt on.
Sensations that I have become too familiar with.
Unless you have lived
This kind of life, you will never truly understand or appreciate who I am, what we are, or what our job really means to us.


Sabtu, 4 September 2010

Keperluan Hari Raya???

Hari Raya menjelang tiba,kita semua pasti hebat membuat persiapan raya...Golongan kanak-kanak semestinya gembira sebab tak fikir apa, tapi yang lebih hebatnya golongan dewasa dalam menyediakan keperluan raya. Biasa turun-temurun memang tak jauh beza persiapan raya, cuma zaman sekarang nilai kos tinggi dan semuanya bergantung kepada duit dan ekonomi kita. Kalau beringat banyak, banyak la dapat selamat, kalau lupa diri, kontang bank selepas raya. Apapun, terpulang pada kita dalam merencanakan hari raya. Subjektif pentingnya keperluan raya terletak pada diri kita sebenarnya...Renungkan, tapi yang paling penting, keperluan di bawah ini benda wajib dalam budaya kita dan perlu dikekalkan selamaya..

1. Kuih Raya 
2. Baju Raya
3. Duit Raya
4. Balik Kampung
5. Cuti Raya

Pastikan semua ini ada barulah jadi Hari Raya!!!

Rabu, 1 September 2010


Salam merdeka ke-53! Generasi milenium kini seharusnya peka dalam mengenal erti kemerdekaan dan tidak membiarkan kehidupan mereka sentiasa dalam penjajahan minda yang ditinggalkan penjajah negara kita. Ada debat antara penulis bersama rakan dalam satu majlis perdebatan yang membincangkan "Keuntungan Penjajahan?''. Sebagai pembangkang yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan ini, alangkah kuat hujah kami dalam menegakkan kebenaran bahawa ruginya penjajahan selama di negara kita. Kenapa begitu? Bayangkan bukan sahaja sumber kekayaan negara kita dirobek, malah sisa penajajahan semakin menular diminda anak muda sehingga kini. Secara halus ideologi yang tertinggal membawa kesan negatif dalam budaya hidup rakyat. Pihak pencadang menyatakan penjajah telah membantu dalam perkembangan teknologi dan permodenan negara. Alangkah cetek pemikiran mereka kerana demikian. Adakah kita lupa, Jepun, Thailand dan negara maju lain yang telah maju dan pesat ekonomi mereka tanpa perlu dijajah? Adakah kita mampu menandingi kehebatan ekonomi dan teknologi mereka waktu ini? Tidak sama sekali, kerana kita hanya sedang menuju ke arah negara maju dan buat ketika ini juga menjadi negara pengguna. 

Oleh itu, anak muda era merdeka perlu memikirkan sesuatu dalam menyahut cabaran negara dalam beberapa aspek;
1. Meneruskan misi wawasan 2020 dengan acuan negara kita sendiri,
2. Memastikan negara dalam sentiasa aman dalam suasana rakyat berbilang kaum,
3. Meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dalam setiap cabang ilmu,
4. Menjauhkan diri daripada budaya barat yang sentiasa negatif,
5. Memantapkan iman dan ilmu agama dalam menangkis anasir hitam,
6. Mengamalkan budaya hidup sihat dan positif dalam tindakan,
7. Menguatkan institusi keluarga sejajar dengan ajaran Islam,
8. Mendoakan kesejahteraan diri, keluarga, jiran dan komuniti,

Hayatilah kemerdekaan negara kita seindah moto atau slogan kemerdekaan yang ke-53...


Nak tahu panjangnya sungai, tanya seluang, Nak tahu luasnya padang, tanya belalang, Nak tahu banyaknya ikan, tanya memerang Nak ...